Massage and Kinesiology for
Low Back Pain
There are many different types of Low back pain. We suggest that you go to a health care provider to be assessed and make sure that there is no structural damage. Depending on how and what is injured in the low back, massage will look a little different. Here are the most common ones we see on a regular basis.
Kinesiology Treatment for
Low Back Pain
Low back pain is complex because there are many different causes and pathologies to consider. For example you can have disks that are not stacked, protruding or torn, SI joint Inflammation, Sudden injuries like strains or sprains, etc… At MRMT we practice a Kinesiopathic model to treat low back pain. We will find the route cause of why these injuries may have happened, we will determine the phase of healing you are in (how acute the injury is), assess your biomechanics (if you hurt your back during an olympic lift, back squat, bench press etc… we will do a biomechanics analysis of these lifts to make sure the correct muscles are being used.) We then find your strength and mobility imbalances in the joints above and below to get a complete look at how your system is functioning. There is no exact protocol because each injury is different. The treatment will be tailored to what we find in you.
Massage for Slipped Disk
If you have a Slipped Disk, massage can be helpful but will not help resolve the problem. Massage will alleviate some pain. When there is a slipped disk the muscles surrounding the joint will work harder to stabilize the area. Massage can help release a portion of the added stress with trigger point therapy. Trigger point therapy will help alleviate pain in the area without sacrificing the structural integrity of the joint. To determine if you have a slipped disk you must be assessed by a health care practitioner, for example (but not limited to) Doctor for imaging, Chiropractor…
Massage for Chronic low back pain caused by sitting
Massage is very successful for low back pain that is caused from posture or repetitive movements. If you have a desk job and often sit in a chair for the better part of a day, all of the muscles that are shortened while sitting can begin to pull on the low back over time. A treatment for low back pain from sitting down focuses on the muscles that are shortened, the specific muscles are the TFL, Hip Flexors, Quads, Hamstrings, and QL’s.
Massage for sudden injury to low back muscles
We often hear people saying that the pulled something in the low back. What is most common (but impossible to say without a proper assessment) is a muscle that attaches to the low back has torn. Massage is effective during the acute stage, because it will help alleviate tight muscles around the low back. The massage will be most effect once the tear has healed (1-2 weeks depending on the severity of the tear), then we can help regain the elasticity in the muscle to restore pain free range of motion in the low back. This injury happens when there is a sudden pain in the low back during a movement. This presents differently in everyone, the pain may be sharp, achy, or/and constant pain. You may not be able to put on your shoes, stand up, or get out of the car/bed pain free. To make sure that you get the most out of a massage visit, and you did not do any structural damage we suggest you be assessed by a health care practitioner prior to visiting.
Different Types of Low Back Pain
How to book a Low back pain specific treatment?
You can book in as a regular therapeutic massage treatment and tell us about your symptoms and we can use the modalities that will best help you.
For kinesiology book with Morgan or Alix. Can be a regular massage treatment of a kinesiology treatment, ask us how we can best help you!
Does low back massage/ kinesiology cost more?
No, carpal tunnel massage therapy and kinesiology is included in our standard massage/ Kinesiology prices
Do you offer direct billing?
Yes we direct bill for Massage and Kinesiology to all major insurance companies.